Plumber's Report Card

Plumber's Report Card

Get Thorough Inspections

Learn More About Our App!

The Plumber’s Report Card was created by Wilfred Vanderveer, a master plumber with three decades of experience as a service plumber and plumbing operations manager. It all started in 1991 when he began his career and based his job performance on the principles of Quality Workmanship and Outstanding Customer Service. After performing several plumbing safety inspections, his skill set led him to train other technicians from large plumbing companies to complete the inspection process correctly and thoroughly.

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Inspecting Rooms

Our Plumber’s Report Card is an essential tool that will revolutionize the process and become part of standard operating procedures for realtors, property management companies, home warranty companies, plumbers, insurers, buyers, and sellers. This app demands the inspection of every plumbing fixture in your home and the exterior and sewer.

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Checking Items

In the app, each room that has been designated as one that accesses the plumbing system has a specific checklist. The inspector will have to select between one of these options:

  • Checks out OK
  • Requires attention
  • Requires immediate attention
  • Not applicable

Items designated with “requires attention” or “requires immediate attention” will require the inspector to take a video or pictures of the issue found and then be forwarded to the person who is expecting to receive the final report.

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The Overall Inspection

On the first page of the app, there is a Percentage Meter. If the inspector doesn’t select one of the options mentioned above or doesn’t include a picture when needed, the meter will not register those items as complete, therefore, the percentage won’t increase. Inspectors need to ensure the meter is at 100% otherwise, they won’t be able to send the final report to their client. This guarantees that every part of the property is checked and documented. 

How It Comes Together

The report is easy to read, clear, and concise. The best part is that it can be sent to you immediately after the inspection rather than within 24 hours. You can be confident that all the collected that is accurate, and you have the evidence to back it up. 

Who Can Use This App?

The Plumbers’ Report Card is a plumbing safety inspection tool that benefits users by guaranteeing that inspections were performed correctly. This app guarantees that inspectors pay attention to every part of the property and help you prepare your space to prevent a number of issues post-sale, post-rental, post-insured, post-warrantied, and post-inspection. This app can be used by realtors, buyers, sellers, property managers, insurers, and more!

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