Plumbing Inspections

Plumbing Inspections


Plumbing Inspections Service in Sacramento, California

Learn About Your Property

A Plumbing Inspection Can Help You Reduce Costs In Sacramento, California

We are here to help you locate issues! At Vanderveer Plumbing, Sewer & Drain, we follow a series of steps to perform a complete plumbing inspection on your property in Sacramento, California. Our services are available to everyone who wants to learn more about their space’s condition. Count on us to tell you everything you need to know. After we are done, you’ll get the chance to ask as many questions as you may have, and we’ll gladly answer them for you. This is a crucial part of the process because making the right decisions will allow you to provide attention to those damaged areas and prevent potentially costly problems in the future. Learning about your property will give you peace of mind, and we are here to help you make that happen. Get in touch with our dependable professionals and request more information about our services.

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Plumbing Inspections Are Important

We recommend you get a plumbing inspection once every two years to make sure that everything is in good working order. This will allow you to detect small issues and get the chance to fix them before they turn worse. Scheduling and inspection can help you save hundreds to thousands of dollars in repairs! You can also get our services if you are dealing with frequent plumbing problems and it is starting to interfere with your daily life. Our services are also perfect if you want to put your home on the market or if you are planning to buy a property. We’ll check each of your plumbing fixtures and help you identify every single problem.

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Why Should You Get A Plumbing Home Inspection?

If you are considering getting a plumbing inspection, you may be wondering what the benefits of such an inspection are. Here are three good reasons why getting your plumbing inspected is worth the money:

  • You can know if there are any immediate plumbing issues that are causing or will cause damage to your home. If you don’t get checked out regularly by a professional plumber, it’s easy to miss small problems that could lead to major repairs if they aren’t caught early enough. A professional can tell if there is any serious problem that needs immediate attention or if there is just some slight wear and tear that can wait until later on down the road. This way, you’ll know exactly where you stand with your plumbing system and what steps need to be taken next so that everything works properly for years to come!
  • Our plumbers will also ensure everything is working properly, which means no leaks! Leaks in pipes are often overlooked. However, these leaks can add up over time and cause serious damage if left unchecked for too long without being fixed immediately after being discovered by someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes to fixing them up!
  • If you are considering buying or selling a home, our plumbing inspection services can help you learn if something is wrong with the property. If you are a buyer, you’ll get the chance to learn if there are any issues that could cost you thousands of dollars down the road. On the other hand, if you are a seller, you’ll learn more about your property and even fix the problems we may find. This can help you increase your property value and sell your house at a higher price. Ensure you’ll be selling or moving into a place in tip-top shape and avoid getting unwanted and potentially costly surprises in the future!

We Follow A Thorough Process

We utilize the Plumbers Report Card Inspection App that ensures every customer receives a comprehensive and detailed plumbing inspection.

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We Deliver Results Immediately After the Inspection

Our founder developed an app called Plumber’s Report Card that is in charge of documenting everything. It is designed to be a checklist with every room that needs to be checked and every component inside each space. It contains options we can fill out to learn the overall condition of each part. These include:

  • Checks out OK
  • Requires attention
  • Requires immediate attention
  • Not applicable

When something requires attention or requires immediate attention, the App requires us to take pictures and/or videos of that item so you can clearly see what the problem is. This tool also contains a percentage meter; inspectors can’t complete the inspection or send the report until it reaches 100%. Our plumbing inspection services will let you know everything about your property’s condition. Reach out to our professionals in Sacramento, California, to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our app. We are eager to assist you and help you find solutions to your particular plumbing problems.

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